What are the ADA Compliance Standards Guidelines for State and Government Website Accessibility!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ADA Compliance Standards

State and Local government resources are intended to serve the public and with evolving times, these resources even included their websites as well. Undoubtedly, 数字化转型加快推进,政府职能也实现了网络化. 市民和居民可以在网上快速查找信息,也可以访问政府网站填写必要的表格. States, counties, townships, 市政当局有自己的网站,他们必须包容所有人,没有任何歧视. 因此,他们的网站遵守ADA的标准,以提高网站的可访问性.

无障碍政府网站对残疾人士有许多切实的影响. So, whether you are redesigning your site or launching a brand-new website, 确保所有居民都能访问州和地方政府的网站应该是你的首要任务.

Need for Government Websites Accessibility

  1. 政府网站向公众提供一系列服务,包括与当地官员在线通信, information about Government services, renewal of public service utility licenses, tax filing, job applications, and more others.
  2. Citizens find it convenient and faster to obtain information or avail of the services.
  3. Citizen Participation in Governance in a more dynamic and interactive manner.
  4. Cost reduction and Paperwork reduction.

While the internet is being a great enabler and a bridge between Government and citizens, it should also be equitably accessible to all despite disabilities. So, 包括国家和地方政府网站在内的所有网站都应采取先发制人的措施,使其网站无障碍.

What is ADA Compliance?


Title II - 适用于州和地方政府实体,禁止在获得服务方面基于残疾的歧视, activities, and programs they offer.

Title III - Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the places of public accommodation.

这两项条款从本质上禁止歧视,并要求所有公民公平获取数字内容. There was a consensus slowly that ADA guidelines are applicable to websites.

ADA and WCAG 2.2 Background

司法部(DoJ)发布了一项通知,涉及在获取州和地方政府以及私营企业的网络信息和服务方面不歧视残疾人. 从逻辑上讲,DoJ意味着所有数字企业都应该符合WCAG和AA要求,以确保ADA的合规性. One has to keep an eye on the latest updates and how the technology is evolving. W3C has been rolling new WCAG 2.2 guidelines that are aimed at improving the web accessibility of your websites.

州和地方政府网站应遵守一套最低要求,以符合《pg电子竞技》的指导方针. State and Local Government website accessibility standards are provided by Title II of ADA. 如果提供联邦资金,那么网站也应该遵守康复法案第508条. Luckily, 这两条规则是重叠的,要求的是同样的事情——残疾用户平等地使用公共资源(包括政府网站).

While ADA didn’t mention websites specifically, many municipalities with inaccessible websites have been subject to various lawsuits under ADA. Even some cities and counties have also been fined for not making their websites accessible. 一些企业因为无法承担法律费用和经济处罚而倒闭. Once the reports of such cases came to the limelight, businesses started taking ADA compliance standards seriously. They have hired experts to make their websites accessible and comply with the guideline of ADA.

Government Website ADA Audit

改变你的网站设计以满足ADA的要求似乎是压倒性的. So, it is better to start with an ADA compliance audit from an expert. 合规专家审查您的内容,并提供他们的发现报告和可操作的计划,以帮助您满足网络可访问性标准并提高您的公民参与度. At Skynet Technologies, 我们通过与您的团队进行战略讨论来开始这个过程,以了解您的法规遵循需求, discuss the scope of the audit, and then conduct the audit. You can discuss your requirements with us and future-proof your compliance strategy.

Accommodate All

你的州和地方政府网站的设计应该适合每个人,所有公民都可以通过视觉访问数字内容, auditory, physical, neurological, and cognitive limitations and disabilities. As per the National Institute of Health reports, one out of five Americans has some kind of disability. 这些网站应该遵循WCAG的指导方针,并配备屏幕阅读器等辅助技术, voice recognition tools, magnification software, etc. to improve their access to digital content.

ADA Compliant Website Design

政府网站的设计必须打破内容障碍,以便残疾人也能像其他人一样消费数字内容. 设计不良和不兼容的网站给残疾人使用网站造成了障碍. Optimized websites in conjunction with assistive technologies create an inclusive space. ADA-compliant designs entail proper contrast ratio, right font size, appropriate color, Clean Form labels, consistent navigation, right alternatives for consuming audio/video, simple headings, and easy-to-understand feedback in case of errors.

Alt Text while Adding Images

在政府网站上载图片/照片时,添加所有文字是很重要的,因为视障人士可能无法看到你上载的照片. 视力障碍的人依靠他的屏幕阅读器来阅读屏幕上的内容以及上传的照片或图像. Hence, if you include the proper description of the image using the alt attribute, 屏幕阅读器将更容易让人知道图像的全部内容. 如果没有这些信息,你的公民就没有机会知道你完整的信息.


Website accessibility is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. The web is a dynamic place and as you make your websites more robust and scalable, certain portions may become inaccessible without due diligence. Hence, we advise you to periodically conduct an ADA compliance audit to test the website accessibility. Skynet Technologies build every website with ADA compliance guidelines intact. We follow the best coding practices, content standards, and regularly update the websites as per the latest compliance guidelines.

我们提供完整的ADA兼容的网站设计,每个人都可以访问,无论是为国家或政府网站. We can make your website or mobile app an ADA Compliant with best content standards, coding practices & regularly update. 我们可以重新设计或开发一个ADA合规网站从确认无障碍标准从零开始, such as WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1 and WCAG 2.2.